Branding and website for fintech startup
Indexera online service is a modern alternative to Excel/Google spreadsheets for investment portfolio management. Visual analytics on the state of all assets from different brokers - in a single online platform. User-friendly interface and full automation of calculations.
Audience research of paid investment accounting services
Developed a questionnaire to interview potential customers - those who left comments on competitors' tech support.
As a result of the research, we have an understanding of the portraits of the audience. On average, they are men aged 38-45, have 3-5 brokerage accounts and portfolios - so they need a service where they can take into account assets within a composite portfolio.
Rationalists, pragmatic, logicians.
Initiative, interested in the development of services - openly and politely report bugs, want to contribute to the improvement of the product.
Market segmentation
  • A meticulous investor
    40-50 years old, responsible, have adult children. Long time in investing, have economic/mathematical education or work in finance, that's why they love numbers, they're meticulous. Invest large amounts on a regular basis.
    Traditionalists, conservative - they will not be easy to drag into a new service.
  • Modern investor
    35-45 years old, married. Proficient in technology. Recently came into investments. They study methodology, do not make any sudden moves. Not much time, have a family, business or favorite job. Used to buying IT products that make life easier. Appreciate the speed of development, the company's quick response to requests.
  • New Wave Investors
    28-38 years old, earn good money, have time to invest, children are not small anymore. They study a lot, often go into services, make experimental strategies, like the process itself. Demanding of accuracy, willing to pay for a quality product.
  • Immature investors
    25-30 years old, middle or lower level managers. “It seemed that with my salary I could not go into investments. Now I devote all my free time to investments”
Deep Motives:
1) Investments are a necessity: “to rely less on work, to allow myself more”, “I will get bored of working once and I will rest”, “it should be possible not to work/work less”, “to form a pension/addition to the pension”, income independent of the main job, “the opportunity to do what I want or will want (in retirement)”, “not having material dependence on the world, to live in comfort, not to depend, to protect the capital. Not to pay the “financial illiteracy tax”, to keep what I have earned.
2) Investments are a male hobby, a game: “there is an element of strategic, competitive (to overtake oneself or others). At a young age I played a lot of computer games, now it is interesting to invest”. “I just like it very much, I enjoy the process”.

3) Investments should not become a second job, when “you spend your whole life on it”, “it takes up a lot of time”, “consumes your whole life”, “replaces your main professional activity” - and there are children, your family should have enough time.
Phrases and single words that respondents used in interviews can and should be used in copywriting to create the feeling that the brand is speaking the same language as they are.
About the shortcomings of other services: exhausted, searching, poking, crooked, incorrect, incomprehensible, illogical, numbers are not beaten, can not group in the way I need, I can hardly keep track of what is where.
About the shortcomings of alternative tools: “Excel is not a life-like tool.” “Tracking by manually entering things into tables - never liked excel that much.” “It's very labor intensive to do this in excel”. “Passed stage/I've had enough of auto-tracking, trust management.” “Information noise is unnecessary.”
Need: “looking in”, ‘to see the big picture’, to see what to buy or sell, ‘to see what's going on’, ‘to look at the picture of what's going on there’, ‘accumulated’, ‘what has floated’, ‘skew between assets’, ‘to understand what to invest in’, ‘to have a model of what proportion I want to hold’, ‘to understand what's going on’, easy, convenient, understanding, interface, visual analytics for balancing, visualize the state of my portfolios, so that everything corresponds in proportion to the way I put in, divide the virtual portfolio, “I wonder how profitable my strategy is”, visual display, make experimental strategies, track, follow the strategy, “do the right thing for me”, “it's nice to see good returns”. It's important that the service doesn't store customer data. Guides are needed.
examples of advertising messages composed on the basis of target audience pains and vocabulary
Indexera - helps you figure out what's going on in your composite portfolio

Tired of cranky analytics when the numbers don't add up?

Clear investment accounting, easy balancing

Want to rely less on work and do the things you want to do in retirement?

Rebalancing makes investment accounting fun and easy

When your portfolio is logically organized
Clear analytics will help you see the picture and understand what to invest in, what to buy or sell.

I switched to Indexer because: tracking shares in the overall portfolio is convenient

No understanding of how to follow a strategy?

Track portfolio performance today to allow for more tomorrow

Never liked excel? There's an alternative

Investment accounting - a necessity or a hobby?
Why do you really keep investment records? To live in comfort and not to depend on circumstances

Are you looking for a service that can be understood by a beginner?

Have you played with trading and auto-tracking? Want to understand how

Balancing is time consuming? Investing isn't your second job. Give to the indexer

Wondering how profitable your strategy is?
Logo and corporate identity
INDEXERA online service is designed to turn the complex process of investment management into a convenient, easy and simple one, in a couple of clicks. Therefore, the visual identity is minimalistic but not boring. In the laconic logo, instead of dot over i, the share from the pie chart informs that in the service data arrays will be clearly visualized.
Artist's illustrations
Illustrations, in which you can sow different meanings and details, can reveal the possibilities of the functional service. To communicate with the site visitor we have introduced a character - the way we imagine a non-professional investor who has already accumulated several brokerage accounts and portfolios for several years on the investment market, the pain is to manage his capital scattered in different baskets. In a warm home atmosphere with indexera, the process of portfolio management becomes simple and understandable.
Brand identity guidelines
Includes rules for working with visual brand attributes, styling of service interface elements, and examples of media branding
In the research of the target audience, it became clear that for clients, investments are like “computer toys for grown men”. They enjoy the process, especially if they have managed to outperform others with their strategy. Therefore, the main message is not about the functionality of the service, but about emotions - “managing an investment portfolio for pleasure”.
Site Framework:

1. “Opportunities for the novice and experienced investor” (functionality)
2. “Investment management with indexera is” (client benefits)
3. What else indexera allows (additional functions). The bot
4. Why indexera is valued by investors ( reviews)
5. How indexera works
6. Evaluate the full functionality of the service on any of the tariffs