WebVizio is an IT startup from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. A platform that allows clients, managers and development teams to work together on web development projects.
Market: USA, Canada, UK, EU, Russian speaking countries.
Price level: $10 per user/per month
Functional benefits (desired associations, actual usefulness of the product):
  • Save time on website collaboration (between using different types of software - messengers, screenshots tools, planners, and productivity softwares).
  • No back and forth. Seamless transition between various tools.
  • Save hours on collaboration. Collaborate more efficiently between team members (project manages, designers, content managers, front-end specialists)
  • Quick integrations with favorite tools (Trello, Asana, Jura, etc).
Productivity service allows you to create web design tasks, coordinate and control their fulfillment. And all this - on a virtual copy of the site the team is working on, not in task managers and mail.
Any brand is created for a specific audience - any branding project begins with audience research, creating a portrait of the audience, describing lifestyle, values, principles - which will become the basis of the brand's DNA.
Target audience portrait
White or hispanic male 25-35 years old, tech savvy, progressive views. Works as a project manager in a Digital Agency. Early adopts new and trending technologies (social media, software, hardware, etc.) In his life he's trying to make practical decisions based on common sense and rationality. Social responsible, trying to make things right (recycle, volunteering, eclectic/hybrid car).
Client types:
Digital managers (digital marketing managers) of small and medium-sized businesses;
Freelancers (digital development, website development);
Account managers/project managers of small and medium-sized digital agencies;
Corporate clients.
Gender (based on competitors' web traffic analysis): male (60%), female (40%)
Age groups (based on competitors' web traffic analysis):
  • 18-24 - 15%
  • 25-34 - 30%
  • 35-44 - 30%
  • 45-54 - 15%
  • 55+ - 10%
Top Audience Interests (SEMRUSh):
  • Technology - 66%
  • Media & Entertainment - 47%
  • News & Politics - 27%
  • Travel 14%
  • Lifestyle & Hobbies 14%
Deep motives of the target audience
The client's pain is to easily and understandably communicate tasks, constantly trying to explain something, juggling applications and services where projects are run. His/her career path depends on how effectively he/she will handle the work. The deep motives of the audience are to stop living in constant stress, to free themselves from workload, to have everything under control, calm, easy and pleasant. Our client is result-oriented, open to new things, conscious, strives for more, to " beat all the old guys". There is a desire for freedom from the system, the spaciousness of creativity, a bright life.
brand DNA
time savings, work management, personal efficiency, easy communication within the team
ease, control, calmness, visual pleasure of aesthetics, escape from stress (peace of mind)
family, caring, efficiency, performance, achievement, development, beauty, intelligence, innovation, responsibility, awareness, honesty, career, openness to new things
judicious, diplomatic, calm, mindful, aesthete, courageous, innovative, trustworthy, determined
Visual brand identity concept
A web developer's workday is about communicating with different people, although through services and applications. And this communication, even though it is work-related, should be a pleasure. Our user is vibrant, genuine, not perfect. The combination of bright spots with black-and-white retro photos from offices of the last century creates an ironic background, referring to the vintage aesthetics popular among the creative class.
In search of the right font, angles and gradient, we try different variants until we settle on a neutral font, soft angles and a contrasting gradient. Since the service is also intended for mobile devices, it is important that the logo has a recognizable sign that can be used separately from the logo design.
Brand color
In the visual identity we use gradient and semi-transparent glow. Accent colors, turquoise and blue-violet - modern, technological, creating a positive mood.
Brand image
A colleague you trust, who will support you, cover for you. The Webvizio brand is a meticulous geek colleague with whom you can have a drink on Friday night, but not a friend. We are not interested in his friendly side, but in his professional knowledge - we go to him for advice on work issues. Such a corporate bro. If he thinks that we should do it like this, we run, do it and don't doubt it.
Tone of voice
Not businesslike and complicated, but informal. Friendly, but not patronizing, with preservation of boundaries, without emojis.
There may be an inclusion of business idioms, professional terms known in the circle of developers, designers, IT project managers ("the layout has moved out", " clean up the fonts"). But not dryly, but in the manner of conversational communication in the professional community. Active use of abbreviations ("ttyl").
Communication is based on honesty, awareness, a desire to be open, without trying to sell anything. We find phrases from professional slang that are understandable to the audience, or stable expressions that make the speech livelier and more interesting. Up in the air = " hung up" (about a work project). Play with words, use double meanings: landing is both a landing and a one-page website.
Website. Don't be like that
There are many identical projects on the market: a single algorithm of storytelling, layout, a standard pattern: cover->who we are->our benefits->partners and everywhere WE-WE-ME-ME.
To stand out from other companies - boring, refined, "perfect" - you need to build communication on the website outside the templates.
Websites are oversaturated with texts, a whole stream of new information falls on a person from the first page, everyone tries to fit everything into 1 screen: how cool they are, what is the functionality, who recommends them. But our CA has 100+ work tasks, 5 of them are on fire, and they don't care about that at all. Our client doesn't need to chew on 15 blocks of information, he's in work with all his thoughts, and we're right next to him, and while there's a minute to the elevator, we have to sell him our product.
Website concept
We start with functionality, we don't praise ourselves, we say what we can give the client, what they will get. And all of this in the form of business email - that is, we support the idea of the product in the logic of the site (create tasks, collaborate). Webvizio brand is built around communication and teamwork - we use screenshots of correspondence in the visuals - even though you solve tasks online, you have a lot of communication with the team - the site communicates with you too.
Handwritten notes can appear in the design, a coffee blot - a reflection of personality, the hand of the master, thoughts, knowledge about the product you make with others.
Social media
The trend for a " common style" of design through identical elements has passed. Different techniques united by a common tonality - this is what gives liveliness to the feed without making it artificial. The task of social media design is not to create the impression that we are trying to design. A bit of natural carelessness, freedom, photos without complicated editing and manipulation, as if they had just been shot on an iPhone, the main thing is the meaning.
Social media style
We borrow gradient from " trendy" waves, but we don't build the whole identity on it. In the style of social networks there are no clear rules, you can take any shapes, but everywhere there is only 1 visual center. This is how we visually set ourselves apart from competitors with their predictable "right" layout.

Social networks are a place where even a serious brand should have the degree of seriousness lowered. We allow playfulness in our interaction with the audience, a slight non-seriousness, but at the same time, the expertise is in place - you can see that these are not infantile start-ups.
The role of brand in social media - expert
The content is about efficiency and project management, know-how, the latest software and applications, new tools, trends, novelties. Our audience should " stay" with us, because if something new from our field appears, we have it right away. This media resource is for young, energetic, ambitious people who want to overtake themselves in productivity and speed.
The visual is full of infographics, schemes, algorithms, lists. The client is a meticulous optimizer. We are doing a serious business, everyone in a startup is tired and running around like a squirrel in a wheel - let's be honest and closer to the people.
Current website and LinkedIn
"The main task we set was to create an identity that would allow us to stand apart from thousands of other "visually copied" SaaS products due to visual uniqueness and non-standard approach in the implementation of routine tasks. In the visual part we wanted to express the main value of the product, which is stated in our slogan "Collaborating on your web projects has never been easier!". It turned out to be cool, fun, and professional at the same time, but without pretentiousness and template solutions".

Danila Ponomarenko
CEO Webvizio Ltd.